matcha latte / hojicha latte

MATCHA / HOJICHA LATTLE ( 抹茶 ラテ/ほうじ茶 ラテ)

Wondering how to make a delicious Matcha latte or Hojicha latte that rivals the one you've had at the cafe? Then read on to find out how easy it is to make a rich and creamy Matcha latte and Hojicha latte at home.


Quick Guide 

Step 1: Boil fresh water in a kettle

Starting with 3g/ 2 tsp of Matcha Powder / Hojicha Powder and 30 ml of water. Boil fresh water in a kettle. You would want to reduce the temperature to 80°C or lower.  Pour the hot water into the cup containing the Matcha powder / Hojicha.

Step 2: Whisk the Matcha / Hojicha 

You can pick whether you prefer to use a whisk, an electric frother, or a spoon. Whichever tool you choose, just be sure the Matcha Powder / Hojicha Powder is fully dissolved in the water before adding the sweetener and the steamed and frothed milk.

Step 3: Add frothed milk into the cup

The best part of a homemade Matcha Latte / Hojicha Latte is that you can easily customise it to your liking. Once you've whisked your Matcha  / Hojicha, you can add the frothed milk. You can make your Matcha / Hojicha sweeter by adding maple syrup or other sweeteners.

You can also experiment with the type and amount of milk you use. If you'd like a much stronger Matcha / Hojicha flavour, then try adjusting the ratio of powder to milk.

Just be sure to whisk the Matcha / Hojicha Powder with a minimal amount of water first, before adding any additional water to make it easier to dissolve. If you prefer to replicate the same thick and creamy latte that is served in tea and coffee shops, then simply add more Matcha / Hojicha Powder. 

Step 4: Serve and enjoy!

If you so wish, you can add a few sprinkles of Matcha powder / Hojicha powder on the top for decoration. Or add ice for an extra cold iced latte.

This simple recipe is the perfect way to indulge in a comforting Matcha latte / Hojicha latte at home.


What is the best milk for Matcha Latte?


How to make a MATCHA LATTE